Selecting and Caring for Roses

No self-respecting garden is complete without a rose.

We always have a great selection of roses in stock. They are easy to grow, give a great display and are reliable.

  • Shrub Roses are larger and sturdier than Bush Roses and have thornier stems, they can grow to a substantial size and produce a magnificent display of flowers

  • Bush Roses are smaller and more formal than Shrub Roses and can grow well in the ground or in large pots

  • Climbing Roses look stunning against a wall or fence and are easy to control 

  • Rambling Roses as the name suggests are larger and less formal than Climbing Roses and are often found scrambling through other bushes and trees or climbing over trellises and arbours
  • Patio Roses, as the name suggests, are perfect for smaller pots and look fabulous 

  • Carpet Roses are low-growing roses perfect for ground cover

Pay attention to the plant labels in the garden centre as they provide information on the expected size of that particular variety, the level of fragrance and the flowering season.

Our pocket guide to successful rose care

  • Prepare the planting soil thoroughly, ensuring it is well drained

  • Use a good compost such as John Innes No.3 or a good quality multi-purpose

  • Follow planting instructions carefully

  • Do not allow the roots to get dry

  • Prune in March/early April, cutting out all dead material

  • Feed in April and again in June using a specialist rose fertiliser

  • Cut off blooms when they start to drop. This will encourage the plant to produce many more new flowers later

  • If bugs are a problem use a specialist spray such as RoseClear